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第一章 总 则
第一条 为了明确工业产品(以下简称产品)质量责任,维护用户和消费者(以下简称用户)的合法权益,保证有计划的商品经济健康发展,促进社会主义现代化建设,特制定本条例。
第二条 产品质量是指国家的有关法规、质量标准以及合同规定的对产品适用、安全和其它特性的要求。产品质量责任是指因产品质量不符合上述要求,给用户造成损失后应承担的责任。
第三条 国家标准化部门负责制定全国统一的国家标准。国家标准应不低于国际标准水平。国家标准可以分级分等。企业主管部门要规定生产企业达到国家标准最高等级的期限。国家物价部门按标准等级,实行按质论价。
第四条 产品的生产、储运、经销企业必须按照本条例的规定,承担产品质量责任。各部门、各地区,特别是企业主管机关必须对产品质量进行管理,监督有关企业坚持质量第一的方针,保证产品质量,承担质量责任;管理和监督不力的也应承坦连带责任。
第五条 质量监督机构、工商行政管理机关必须对产品质量进行监督,维护用户的利益。
第六条 产品的合格证、说明书、优质标志、认证标志等都必须与产品的实际质量水平相一致。产品广告中关于产品质量的说明,必须符合产品的实际质量。
第七条 所有生产、经销企业必须严格执行下列规定:(1)不合格的产品不准出厂和销售;(2)不合格的原材料、零部件不准投料、组装;(3)国家已明令淘汰的产品不准生产和销售;(4)没有产品质量标准、未经质量检验机构检验的产品不准生产和销售;(5)不准弄虚作假、以次充好、伪造商标、假冒名牌。所有生产、经销企业都不得用搭配手段推销产品。

第二章 产品生产企业的质量责任
第八条 产品的生产企业必须保证产品质量符合国家的有关法规、质量标准以及合同规定的要求。产品的生产企业必须建立严密、协调、有效的质量保证体系,要明确规定产品的质量责任。企业必须保证质量检验机构能独立行使监督、检验的职权;严禁对质量检验人员进行打击报复。
第九条 产品出厂,必须符合下列要求:(一)达到本条例第二条规定的质量要求,有检验机构和检验人员签证的产品检验合格证;(二)根据不同特点,有产品名称、规格、型号、成份、含量、重量、用法、生产批号、出厂日期、生产厂家、厂址、产品技术标准编号等文字说明,限时使用的产品应注明失效时间。优质产品必须有标志;(三)实行生产许可证制度的产品,要有许可证编号、批准日期和有效期限;(四)机器、设备、装置、仪表以及耐用消费品,除符合本条(一)、(二)、(三)项要求外,还应有详细的产品使用说明书。内容包括:产品的技术经济参数、使用寿命、使用范围、保证期限、安装方法、维修方法和保存条件、技术保养检修期以及其它有关产品设计参数的有效数据。电器产品,应附有线路图和原理图;(五)包装必须符合国家有关规定和标准。剧毒、危险、易碎、怕压、需防潮、不装倒置的产品,在内外包装上必须有显著的指示标志和储运注意事项。产品包装上必须注明实际重量(净重和毛重);(六)使用商标和分级分等的产品,在产品或包装上应有商标和分级分等标记;(七)符合国家安全、卫生、环境保护和计量等法规的要求。
第十条 达不到国家的有关标准规定等级、仍有使用价值的“处理品”,经企业主管机关批准后,方可降价销售,在产品和包装上必须标出显著的“处理品”字样。违反国家安全、卫生、环境保护、计量等法规要求的产品,必须及时销毁或作必要的技术处理,不得以“处理品”流入市场。不得用“处理品”生产和组装用以销售的产品。
第十一条 在产品保证期限内发现质量不符合第二条要求时,根据不同情况,由产品生产企业对用户和经销企业承坦质量责任:(一)产品的一般零部件、元器件失效,更换后即能恢复使用要求的,应负责按期修复;(二)产品的主要零部件、元器件失效,不能按期修复的,应负责更换合格品;(三)产品因设计、制造等原因造成主要功能不符合第二条要求,用户要求退货的,应负责退还货款;(四)造成经济损失的,还应负责赔偿实际经济损失;(五)由维修服务或经销企业负责产品售后技术服务时,生产企业必须按售后技术服务合同,提供足够的备品、备件和必要的技术支援。

第三章 产品储运企业的质量责任
第十二条 承储、承运、装卸企业必须根据国家有关规定和产品包装上标明的储运要求进行储存、运输和装卸。
第十三条 承储、承运企业在产品入库储存或出库、产品承运或交货时,应按照国家有关规定,严格执行交接验收制度,明确质量责任。确属储存、运输、装卸原因造成产品损伤,承储、承运、装卸企业应分别承担责任,按国家有关规定,赔偿经济损失。

第四章 产品经销企业的质量责任
第十四条 经销企业在进货时,应对产品进行验收,明确产品的质量责任。经销企业出售的产品,必须符合本条例第七条、第九条的规定。
第十五条 经销企业售出的产品在保证期限内发现质量不符合第二条的要求时,应由经销企业负责对用户实行包修、包换、包退、承担赔偿实际经济损失的责任。

第五章 产品质量的监督管理
第十六条 各质量监督机构,按照国家有关规定,单独组织或者会同工商行政管理部门、各行业主管部门、企业主管部门,对产品的生产、储运和经销等各个环节实行经常性的监督抽查,并定期公布抽查产品的质量状况。企业必须如实提供抽查样品,并在检测手段和工作条件方面提供方便。除国家已有规定外,质量监督机构抽查产品,不准向企业收费,以保证监督机构的公正性。质量监督机构所需的技术措施费用和检测费用,按实际需要由国家或地方财政拨款解决。各级经济委员会负责对产品质量监督管理工作进行领导和组织协调。
第十七条 各级行业主管部门和企业主管部门负责本行业产品质量的管理工作,其职责是:在授权范围内,制定或参与制定有关产品质量标准以及有关规章制度,负责产品质量的监督管理,督促企业保证产品质量,完善质量保证系统;组织发放生产许可证。
第十八条 对产品质量实行社会性监督。用户可以向产品生产、储运、经销企业提出质量查询;社团组织可以协助用户参与质量争议的调解、仲裁,支持用户向人民法院起诉。
第十九条 用户按双方协议可以派出代表到生产企业对产品生产过程和产品质量进行现场监督。

第六章 产品质量责任争议的处理
第二十条 因产品质量问题发生争议时,有经济合同的,按《经济合同法》的有关规定执行;没有合同的,争议的任何一方都可提请有关的质量监督机构调解处理,也可向人民法院起诉。
第二十一条 对产品质量的技术检验数据有争议时,当事人或调解、仲裁机构可委托法定的质量检验单位进行仲裁检验,质量检验单位应对提供的仲裁检验数据负责。
第二十二条 除国家另有规定外,质量责任的仲裁请求和起诉,应从当事人知悉或应当知悉权益受损害之日起一年内提出。产品质量责任方愿意承担责任时,不受时效限制。

第七章 罚 则
第二十三条 企业产品质量达不到国家规定的标准,企业主管机关应令其限期整顿。经整顿仍无效者,企业主管机关应令其停产或转产,直至建议有关主管机关撤销生产许可证,吊销营业执照。在整顿期间,企业主管机关视不同情况,可扣发企业负责人和职工的奖金、工资。
第二十四条 生产、经销企业违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一者,由企业主管机关对企业负责人和直接责任者给以行政处分,由工商行政管理机关没收其全部非法收入,并视其情节轻重,处以相当于非法收入的15%至20%的罚款,直至由司法机关追究法律责任。(一)生产、经销掺假产品、冒牌产品,以“处理品”冒充合格品;(二)生产、经销隐匿厂名、厂址的产品;(三)生产、经销没有产品检验合格证的产品;(四)生产、经销国家已明令淘汰的产品;(五)生产、经销国家实行生产许可证制度而到期未取得生产许可证的产品;(六)生产、经销用不合格原材料、零部件生产或组装的产品;(七)生产、经销违反国家安全、卫生、环境保护和计量等法规要求的产品;(八)经销过期失效产品。罚没收入全部上交国家财政。
第二十五条 有质量监督抽查中发现生产和经销企业有第二十四条中列举的行为时,由质量监督机构按第二十四条规定处理。对于不符合本条例第九条第七项规定的,由质量监督机构监督就地销毁或作必要的技术处理,并令生产、经销企业在限期内追回已售出的不合格产品。违反本条例第八条的规定,对质量检验人员进行打击报复的,或质量监督、检验机构工作人员徇私舞弊的,由有关主管机关给予行政处分;情节特别严重的,依法追究刑事责任。
第二十六条 由于产品的质量责任,造成用户人身伤亡,财产损失,触犯刑律的,由司法机关依法追究当事人的刑事责任。
第二十七条 上述处罚,不免除产品质量责任方对用户承担的产品包修、包换、包退、赔偿实际经济损失的责任。

第八章 附 则
第二十八条 有关主管部门可根据本条例的规定,制定实施细则;进出口商品、军用产品及有特殊要求的产品的质量责任可由有关主管部门参照本条例的原则,另行规定。
第二十九条 本条例适用于所有全民、集体所有制企业,个体工商业经营者以及在中国境内的中外合资、合作、外资企业。
第三十条 本条例授权国家经济委员会负责解释。
第三十一条 本条例自一九八六年七月一日起施行。(附英文)


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on April 5, 1986)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
The present Regulations are enacted in order to define the quality
responsibility for industrial products ("products" for short hereinafter),
safeguard the legitimate rights of the customer and consumer ("customer"
for short hereinafter), ensure the healthy development of commodity
economy in a planned way, and promote socialist modernization.
Article 2
"Quality of product" refers to the requirement for the applications,
safety and other properties of the products stipulated in related laws and
regulations, quality standards and contracts.
"Quality responsibility for products" refers to the responsibility that
shall be born due to the product's failure to satisfy the above-mentioned
requirements, which leads to loss on the part of the customer.
Article 3
The national standardization department is responsible for drawing up the
unified national standards. The national standards shall not be lower than
the international standards. National standards may be classified and
graded. The competent authorities responsible for the enterprise shall fix
a time limit for achieving the highest grade of the national standards.
The price department of the Central Government shall fix the prices
according to the grades of standards and implement the principle of "price
according to quality".
Article 4
Those enterprises engaging in the production, storing, transporting and
marketing of the product must, in accordance with the stipulations of the
present Regulations, undertake the quality responsibility for the
The various departments, various localities, especially the competent
authorities for the manufacturer must exercise strict control over the
quality of the products, supervise and see that the manufacturer concerned
abides by the principle of "quality first", with a view to guaranteeing
the quality of product and undertaking quality responsibility. Those
failing to exercise effective control and supervision shall also undertake
liability arising therefrom.
Article 5
Quality-supervision agencies and the industry and commerce administration
departments must keep supervision over the quality of product and protect
the interest of the customer.
Article 6
The quality certificate, manuals, "high-quality" sign and identity sign of
a product must all be in conformity with the actual quality level of the
product. The explanation in the advertisement of the product must conform
to the actual quality of the product.
Article 7
All the manufacturers and the marketing firms must observe strictly the
following rules:
(1) unqualified product is forbidden from being dispatched from the
factory or marketed;
(2) unqualified raw materials and parts and components are not allowed to
be put into production or be used for assembly;
(3) it is forbidden to manufacture the products whose elimination the
State has explicitly ordered;
(4) product without the product-quality standard or without being tested
by the state quality-testing organ is not allowed to be manufactured and
(5) it is forbidden to plot frauds, to pass of unqualified product as
qualified, to forge trademarks, or to imitate the famous brand products.
All the manufacturers and marketing firms are not allowed to sell their
products by way of coupling-sale.

Chapter II Quality Responsibility of the Product Manufacturer
Article 8
The manufacturer of the product must make sure that the quality of the
product conforms to the requirements laid down by relevant laws and
regulations, quality standards and stipulations of the contract.
The manufacturer of the product must set up a strict, well-coordinated and
effective quality-guarantee system, with a view to fixing the quality
responsibility for the product in an explicit manner.
The manufacturer must see to it that the quality-inspecting organ can
independently perform its functions of supervision and testing. It is
strictly forbidden to retaliate against the quality inspectors.
Article 9
The product shall not leave the factory unless it satisfies the following
(1) achieving the quality requirements stipulated in Article 2 of the
present Regulations, and obtaining the quality certificate of the product
issued by testing organ and testing personnel;
(2) having the written explanation of, according to specific
characteristics, the product's name, size, model, ingredients, the
percentage of the ingredients, weight, direction for applications, lot No.
of production, date of production, name of manufacturer, address of the
manufacturer, and the serial number of the technical specifications of the
said product; explicitly specifying the date of expiry in case of a
product with time limit of efficacy. "High-quality" product must bear the
mark thereof;
(3) having the serial number, date of approval and the term of validity of
the production licence in case of a product manufactured under the
production licence system;
(4) machinery, equipment, devices, apparatus and durable consumer goods,
apart from satisfying the requirements in Items (1), (2) and (3) of this
Article, shall be accompanied with detailed instructions on the use of the
product. The content thereof includes: the product's technical-economic
parameters, service life, range of application, term of guarantee, methods
for installation, methods of maintenance and conditions for storing, term
of technical maintenance and repair, and other effective data concerning
the design parameters of the product. Electric products shall be attached
with the circuit diagram and schematic diagram;
(5) the package must conform to the related state regulations and
standards. As regards the products that are drastically poisonous,
dangerous, fragile, can not be laid on by heavy load, needing protection
against moisture, can not be turned upside down, there must be, on both
the external and interior packing, obvious indication marks and notices
for storing and transportation. On the package of the product, there must
be noted explicitly the actual weights (net and gross);
(6) on the product or the package thereof on which the trademark and
quality classification and grading system is applied, there shall be signs
for the said trademark, classification and grading;
(7) conforming to the requirements of the state laws and regulations
concerning safety, hygiene, protection of environment and measuring.
Article 10
The "substandard" goods that fail to achieve the requirements of the
related state standards, but still have some use value, cannot be marketed
at reduced price until having obtained the approval from the competent
authorities of the manufacturer; and on the package there must be clearly
marked with the words of "substandard goods". Products that fail to meet
the requirements of the state laws and regulations concerning safety,
hygiene and environmental protection and measuring must be destroyed or
undergo necessary technical treatment in good time. They are not allowed
to enter the market in the name of "substandard goods".
"Substandard goods" are not allowed to be used to manufacture or assemble
market-oriented products.
Article 11
Within the guarantee period of the product, in case of the quality found
out of line with the requirements stipulated in Article 2, the
manufacturer shall, according to the following different circumstances,
undertake the quality liability to the customer and marketing firm:
(1) the common part or component loses efficacy and therefore, after being
replaced, the performance can immediately be restored; in this case, the
manufacturer shall be responsible for replacing with qualified parts or
components and for restoring the normal performance;
(2) in case that the main part or competent of the product has lost the
efficacy and cannot be repaired within the set period, the manufacturer
shall be responsible for replacing with qualified products;
(3) in case the major function fails to satisfy the requirements of
Article 2 due to such causes as designing and manufacture, if the customer
requires to return the goods, the manufacturer shall refund;
(4) in case of economic loss caused by the quality faults, the
manufacturer shall also compensate for the actual loss;
(5) if maintenance and repair service or marketing firm responsible for
the aftersale technical service, so required and manufacturer must,
according to the contract of aftersale service, supply sufficient standby
products, spare parts and necessary technical support.

Chapter III Quality Responsibility of Enterprises for Storing or Transporting the Product
Article 12
The enterprises which undertake to store, transport, load or unload the
products must conduct the work of the storing, transportation, loading and
unloading in compliance with the relevant state stipulations and the
storing-transporting requirements indicated on the package of the product.
Article 13
In the course of the product entering the warehouse for storing or leaving
the warehouse, undertaking to transport the product or handing over the
product, the enterprise that stores or transports the product shall
observe the pertinent state stipulations and the storing-trans-system of
handing-over and checking before acceptance, so as to define the quality
responsibility. In case it has been testified that the damage of the
product is due to the cause of storage, transport or loading and
unloading, the enterprises which store, transport or load and unload the
product shall bear their respective liabilities and, according to related
government regulations, compensate for the economic loss.

Chapter IV Quality Responsibility of the Marketing Firm of the Product
Article 14
When laying in a stock of merchandise, the marketing firm shall, before
acceptance, test the product, so that the quality responsibility can be
clearly defined. The products sold by the marketing firm must conform to
the requirements stipulated in Articles 7 and 9 of the present
Article 15
In case the product sold by the marketing firm is found not up to the
conditions stipulated in Article 2 within the period of guarantee, the
marketing firm shall be responsible for guaranteed repairing, replacement,
taking back the product and refunding, and undertaking the responsibility
of compensating for the actual economic loss.

Chapter V Supervision and Control over the Quality of Product
Article 16
The various quality-supervising agencies shall, in accordance with the
relevant regulations of the state, organize independently, or together
with the industry and commerce administrative authorities, the responsible
departments of the various trades, and the responsible departments of the
various manufacturers, regular supervisional sample-checking on the
various links such as manufacture, storing, transportation, and marketing,
and regularly publicize the result of the testing of the samples.
Enterprises must honestly furnish the samples for checking and provide
facilities with respect to the testing means and working conditions.
Unless otherwise stated in state regulations, it is not allowed for the
quality-supervising agencies to collect fees from the enterprises for
sample-checking on the product, so as to guarantee the impartiality of the
supervising agencies. The expenses needed for the technical means and
measures and for the test by the quality-supervising agencies shall be
covered by the state or local financial allocations according to the
actual needs.
The economic commission at various levels are responsible for leadership,
organization and coordination of the supervision and control over product
Article 17
Responsible departments of the trades and responsible departments for the
enterprises at various levels are responsible for the control over the
quality of products in the respective trades within their authorization,
which covers: formulating or taking part in the formulation of the quality
standards for the products in their respective areas of responsibility and
the pertinent rules and regulations, being responsible for supervision and
control over the quality of products, urging the enterprises to ensure the
quality of product, perfecting the quality guaranteeing system, and
organizing the issuance of production licences.
Article 18
Exercise social supervision over the quality of product. The customer can
make inquiries about the quality of the product at the manufacturer, the
enterprises for storing and transporting, and the marketing firms; and the
social associations and organizations can help the customers participate
in the mediation, arbitration over quality disputes, and support the
customers to file lawsuits with the people's court.
Article 19
The customer can, according to the mutual agreement between the customer
and manufacturer, send his representative to the manufacturer to conduct
on-the-spot-supervision over the process of the production and the quality
of the product.

Chapter VI Settlement of Disputes over Quality Responsibility for the Product
Article 20
Any dispute arising from the quality of product shall, provided there is
an economic contract, observe the relevant stipulations in the Economic
Contract Law. In the absence of such contracts, either party to the
dispute can refer the dispute to a relevant quality-supervising agency for
mediation or settlement, or take the case to the people's court.
Article 21
In case of any dispute over the data of technical testing of the quality
of product, the party concerned or the mediating or arbitrating agencies
can entrust legally designated quality-testing unit for arbitral testing;
and the said quality testing unit shall be responsible for the data of the
arbitral testing.
Article 22
Unless otherwise stipulated by the government, the request for arbitration
or prosecution over quality responsibility shall be raised within one year
from the date the party concerned is aware of or should be aware of his
interest and rights being damaged. Where the party bearing the quality
responsibility for the product is willing to bear the responsibility, it
is not limited by the term of validity.

Chapter VII Penalties
Article 23
Where the product of an enterprise fails to reach the state-stipulated
standards, the competent authoritative department of the said enterprise
shall order the enterprise to rectify production within a fixed period.
Where the said rectification within the fixed period turns out to be of no
effect, the competent authoritative department of the said enterprise
shall order it to stop production or switch over to a new line of
products, or even suggest that the relevant authorities revoke the
production licence and the business licence. In the period of
rectification, the competent authoritative department responsible for the
said enterprise may, according to different circumstances, deduct the
bonus and wages of the executive members of the enterprise and of the
staff and workers.
Article 24
Where the manufacturer or marketing firm has committed one of the
following acts in violation of the stipulations of the present
Regulations, the authoritative department responsible for the enterprise
or firm shall mete out disciplinary punishment to the responsible persons
of the enterprise and to the persons bearing direct responsibility; and
the industry and commerce administrative organ shall confiscate all the
illegal income, and impose on it a fine equivalent to 15% to 20% of the
illegal income according to the degree of seriousness of the case; or even
the legal liabilities shall be fixed by the judicial organs through due
1. manufacture or market adulterated product or imitated product, or pass
off "substandard" product as qualified;
2. manufacture or market products without indicating the name and address
of the manufacturer;
3. manufacture or market products without quality certificate;
4. manufacture or market products of which the State has issued explicit
order for their elimination;
5. manufacture or market the products on which the State adopts the system
of production licence, but fails to renew the said production licence
after its expiry;
6. manufacture or market products manufactured or assembled with
unqualified raw materials, parts or components;
7. manufacture or market products in violation of the requirements
stipulated by state laws and regulations concerning safety, hygiene,
environmental protection and measuring;
8. market products which have passed the expiry date.
The incomes collected from fines shall be handed to the state treasury.
Article 25
In the course of sample-check on quality supervision, in case it is found
that the manufacturer or marketing firm has committed the act(s) listed in
Article 24, the quality-supervising agency shall treat the case according
to the stipulation in Article 24. As regards the product not in conformity
to the provision of Item (7) of Article 9 of the present Regulations, the
product shall be destroyed on the spot by the quality-supervising agency
or be given the necessary technical treatment; and the manufacturer and
the marketing firm shall be ordered to recover within the given time all
the substandard products that have already been sold.
In case of violation of the stipulations in Article 8 of the present
Regulations, or retaliation against quality-testing personnel, or the
working personnel in quality-supervising and quality-testing agencies act
wrongly out of personal consideration, the responsible authoritative
department shall mete out disciplinary punishment. As regards those of
extraordinary seriousness, criminal liabilities shall be investigated and
fixed according to law.
Article 26
Where the poor quality of the product has resulted in the injury or death
of the customer, and in his loss of property, hence violating the criminal
code, the judicial organs shall investigate and fix the legal liability of
the party concerned.
Article 27
The above-mentioned penalty does not acquit the party bearing the quality
responsibility of its responsibility for the guaranteed repair,
replacement, recovering the product with the money already paid, and the
compensation for the actual economic loss to the customer(s).

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 28
The relevant responsible authorities may, in line with the provisions of
the present Regulations, work out the implementing details. The quality
responsibility regulations for import & export products, for goods with
military application as well as goods for special requirements, the
relevant authorities may, with reference to the principles of the present
Regulations, enact separate specific regulations.
Article 29
The present Regulations apply to all enterprises with ownership by the
whole people, enterprises with ownership by the collective, individual
industrial and commercial operators as well as the Chinese-foreign equity
joint ventures, contractual joint ventures, and foreign-capital
Article 30
The State Economic Commission is authorized to interpret the present
Article 31
The present Regulations shall go into force on July 1st, 1986.

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第一章 总则
第一条 为了确保地方税务机关征缴社会保险费工作的顺利进行,规范社会保险费收支及管理,根据国务院《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》(国务院令第259号)和《内蒙古自治区人民政府关于全区社会保险费由税务部门征缴的通知》(内政发〔2000〕127号)的精神,制定本办法。
第二条 社会保险费由地方税务机关负责征收,有关部门和单位应给予配合和协助。
第三条 地方税务机关征缴社会保险费范围主要指基本养老保险费、基本医疗保险费、失业保险费等(以下统称社会保险费)。
第四条 社会保险费由各级地方税务机关按属地原则进行征收管理。自治区直属企业及铁路、电力、邮电、石油、有色、金融保险、煤炭、交通(交通部直属)、民航、中建(建设部直属)、军工企业等原行业统筹的企业(单位)的基本养老保险费由自治区地方税务局直属征收管理局负责征收和管理。

第二章 社会保险费的征缴要素
第五条 社会保险费征缴范围
第六条 社会保险费的缴费单位:在社会保险费征缴范围内并在社会保险经办机构办理参保登记手续的单位和个人。社会保险费由用人单位和个人共同缴纳。单位以全部职工工资总额(外商投资企业按中方职工工资总额、城镇个体工商户及其雇工、私营企业主、自由职业者以社会平均工资)为基数,按我区有关规定的比例计算缴纳。职工个人以本人月工资总额为基数,按规定的比例计算缴纳。
第七条 缴费单位是其职工应缴社会保险费的代扣代缴义务人,个体工商户是其雇工应缴社会保险费的代扣代缴义务人。

第三章 帐户管理
第八条 按照有利于社会保险费征缴、管理、方便使用的原则,财政部门和社会保险经办机构在国有独资商业银行同时开设下列专用帐户,并分别建立二级科目、分别计息。

第四章 社会保险费征缴的运行程序及联结转换
第九条 缴费单位依法向当地社会保险经办机构办理参加社会保险登记(以下简称“参保登记”)。缴费单位在取得参保登记证件30日内,到主管地方税务机关办理缴纳社会保险费登记(以下简称“缴费登记”)。
第十条 缴费单位的参保登记内容变更或缴费单位依法终止前,应自变更或终止之日起30日内,向原申请登记的社会保险经办机构办理变更或注销参保登记手续。
第十一条 缴费单位应按时向社会保险经办机构提供单位和个人缴费基数。经社会保险经办机构按有关规定核定后作为缴费的依据。缴费单位的缴费基数或缴费人员发生变化的,应于当月20日前报社会保险经办机构进行调整。
第十二条 城镇私营企业及其职工、城镇个体商户及其雇工应缴纳的社会保险费,由各级工商部门向社保经办机构提供名单,社保经办机构办理参保手续、核定缴费基数和应缴数额后,提供给地方税务机关征收。
第十三条 社会保险经办机构应于每月25日前,将次月有变化和新参保的缴费单位及其应缴纳的社会保险费(分种类、分单位和个人应缴纳部分)书面通知地方税务机关。
第十四条 社会保险费由地方税务机关负责征收,具体程序是:
第十五条 缴费单位应每年向本单位职工和职工代表大会公布全年缴纳社会保险费的情况,接受职工监督。
第十六条 地方税务机关对社会保险费征缴监督检查的内容包括:

第五章 社会保险费管理的职权职责
第十七条 劳动保障行政部门、地方税务机关和社会保险经办机构进行社会保险费征缴监督检查。行使下列职权:
第十八条 劳动保障行政部门、地方税务机关和社会保险经办机构工作人员到缴费单位进行监督、检查、调查时承担下列职责:
第十九条 任何组织和个人对有关社会保险费征缴的违法行为,有权举报。劳动保障行政部门或者地方税务机关对符合受理条件的举报应依法查处。
第二十条 财政部门依法对社会保险基金实行收支两条线管理进行监督,并负责社会保险费票据使用情况的监督检查。
第二十一条 监察、审计部门依法对社会保险费的征收、使用情况进行监督。
第二十二条 上级社会保险经办机构要加强对下级社会保险经办机构基金管理情况(包括社会保障基金财政专户)的监督检查。各级社会保险经办机构要建立健全内部管理制度,自觉接受审计、监察、财政部门的监督检查。
第二十三条 社会保险费由地方税务机关征缴后,劳动和社会保障部门、社会保险经办机构、地税、财政、银行、工商应按照各自的职责分工,加强对社会保险基金的管理和监督。

第六章 社会保险费征缴工作的考核奖惩
第二十四条 社会保险费的征收任务按年核定,由财政部门、劳动部门和地税机关共同商定后,报同级政府批准下达。各级政府将地方税务机关社会保险费征缴工作列入目标管理的内容进行考核。
第二十五条 地方税务机关征缴社会保险费的征收经费补贴由财政部门、劳动部门和地税部门共同商定。2001年暂按以下办法执行:征缴任务完成85%(含85%)至90%的按全额的0.4%核拨;征缴任务完成90%(不含90%)以上的按全额的0.5%核拨,按季预拨、年终结算,以后年度可根据实际情况另行确定。社会保险费的征收费用经费补贴由各级财政在预算中列支。
第二十六条 缴费单位不按规定申报应缴纳社会保险费的,由社会保险经办机构核实,地方税务部门除追交全部应缴数额外,可根据情节轻重,对单位应缴数额加收10-20%的社会保险费。
第二十七条 缴费单位有下列行为之一,情节严重的,由地方税务机关对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处以1000元以上5000元以下的罚款;情节特别严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处以5000元以上20000元以下的罚款:
第二十八条 缴费单位未经批准逾期不缴或少缴社会保险费的,由地方税务机关和劳动保障行政部门按法律法规规定予以处罚。
第二十九条 缴费单位和缴费个人对劳动保障行政部门或者地方税务机关的处罚决定不服的,可依法申请复议或向人民法院起诉。
第三十条 缴费单位逾期拒不缴纳社会保险费、滞纳金或拒不执行行政处罚决定的,地方税务机关可以申请人民法院依法强制执行。
第三十一条 劳动保障行政部门、社会保险经办机构、地方税务机关及其工作人员滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守,造成社会保险费流失的,由劳动保障行政部门或地方税务机关追回流失的社会保险费,情节严重的,由监察机关依据有关法规追究部门领导或当事人的责任;构成犯罪的,移交司法机关追究刑事责任。

第七章 附则
第三十二条 社会保险费专用缴款书由自治区财政厅监制,自治区地方税务局统一印制、发放和管理。
第三十三条 社会保险费征缴的移交工作方案由自治区劳动和社会保障厅、地方税务局、财政厅另行制定。
第三十四条 已实行生育保险、工伤保险试点地区可比照本办法执行。
第三十五条 本办法由自治区财政厅、劳动和社会保障厅、自治区地税局根据各自业务负责解释。
第三十六条 本办法自2001年1月1日起施行。






                          自治区主席 马启智

  第一条 为了加强对国家建设项目的审计监督,根据《中华人民共和国审计法》、《中华人民共和国审计法实施条例》等法律、法规规定,结合本自治区实际,制定本办法。
  第二条 在本自治区行政区域内对国家建设项目及与其相关的财务收支情况进行审计,适用本办法。
  第三条 本办法所称国家建设项目,是指以国有资产投资或者融资为主要资金来源(即占控股或者主导地位)的固定资产投资项目。
  第四条 审计机关在安排国家建设项目审计时,应当确定建设单位(含项目法人,下同)为被审计单位。必要时,可以依照法定审计程序对勘察、设计、施工、监理、采购、供货等单位与国家建设项目直接有关的财务收支情况进行审计监督。
  第五条 县级以上人民政府审计机关根据建设项目的投资主体和建设单位的财务隶属、资产权属、国有资产监督管理关系和项目立项管理级次确定审计管辖范围。
  第六条 审计机关应当根据法律、法规的规定和本级人民政府、上级审计机关的要求,确定年度审计项目计划。
  第七条 审计机关根据年度审计项目计划,对国家建设项目总预算或概算执行情况、年度预算执行情况、年度决算、竣工决算进行审计。
  第八条 审计机关审定的国家建设项目竣工决算结论,有关部门应当作为审批决算、办理竣工验收的依据。
  第九条 被列入审计项目计划的建设单位(项目)应当在国家建设项目竣工决算报表编制完成后,及时提请具有管辖权的审计机关安排审计。
  第十条 国家建设项目预算或概算执行情况审计的内容包括:
  第十一条 国家建设项目决算审计的内容包括:
  第十二条 审计机关在审计中发现下列与项目建设或财务收支有关问题时,应当通报或建议有关主管部门协助调查;情节严重的,依法移送有关部门查处,有关部门应当将查处结果函告审计机关:
  第十三条 建设单位及其主管部门的内部审计机构,应当加强对本单位、本系统国家建设项目的内部审计监督。
  第十四条 上级部门和本级人民政府临时交办的国家建设项目的审计,审计机关可以组织具有法定资格的社会中介机构或聘请具有与审计事项相关专业知识的人员参与审计。审计费用由同级财政予以核拔。
  第十五条 对国家建设项目进行审计的社会中介机构应当具备相应的审计资质、健全的内部管理制度和良好的社会信誉。
  第十六条 社会中介机构应当严格按照本办法第十条、第十一条规定,对国家建设项目进行审计,并将审计报告报送审计机关。
  第十七条 审计机关应当向同级人民政府报告国家建设项目审计的结果。
  第十八条 审计机关实施国家建设项目审计,应当依法出具审计报告;依法需要给予处理的,应当作出审计决定。审计机关认为应当由有关部门处理的,应当移交有关部门查处。
  第十九条 被审计单位对审计机关作出的审计决定不服的,应当先向上一级审计机关或者本级人民政府申请复议。被审计单位不申请复议也不执行审计决定的,审计机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。
  第二十条 审计机关应当加强对其组织的社会中介机构的监督工作,明确其权利义务,对社会中介机构在实施国家建设项目审计工作中的过错、过失行为应当按照有关规定追究责任。
  第二十一条 审计机关审计人员和聘请的专业人员在从事国家建设项目审计工作中有下列行为之一的,应当依照有关规定给予行政处分或者予以辞聘;违纪人员是中国共产党党员的,移交纪委依照《中国共产党纪律处分条例》的有关规定追究责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
  第二十二条 接受、使用社会捐赠的公益性建设项目、集体资产投资的建设项目和经当地人民政府授权审计的建设项目的审计,审计机关可以参照本办法执行。
  第二十三条 本办法自2005年1月1日起施行。